For Schaumann BioEnergy Consult, the profitability of biogas production at the customer's site is the primary concern. The wide range of products helps to achieve higher yields with reduced use of resources - according to the principle "create more with less". At the same time, the company also strives to increase its own efficiency through technical progress and innovation.
Producing feedstocks more efficiently with the SILASIL ENERGY product range
During the ensiling process, the readily available carbohydrates are converted into various short-chain acids by lactic acid bacteria under exclusion of air.
This is associated with unavoidable, but also avoidable losses. In order to minimise losses, the focus is on rapid decrease of the pH value. This largely prevents degradation processes and further energy loss through fermentation pests.
Protecting energy and nutrients from storage losses
Energy that is lost in the form of heat during storage or at the clamp face due to harmful organisms, such as yeasts and moulds, is not available in the digester for biogas production. Successful ensiling efficiently conserves the energy of the biomass produced.
Ensiling agents improve the economic efficiency of substrate production
The use of products from the SILASIL ENERGY product line has been proven to reduce energy losses in storage and lead to better utilisation of the substrate in the digester. * Thus, with SILASIL ENERGY products, you get a higher biogas yield for the same initial amount of substrate FM - or in other words: to produce the same amount of biogas, you need 9.8 % less arable land resulting in conservation of natural resources in crop cultivation. *Source: ATB Potsdam Bornim, 2007

With the use of BC. micronutrient mixtures, you can achieve a very high utilisation of the biogas digester. An increase in utilisation from 90 to 98 % corresponds to an increase in output of € 3,300 per month for a 500 kW plant.
The special micronutrient product lines BC.PRO, BC.COMPACT and BC.MAGXX are individually formulated to the biological situation of each digester and bring the methane production process to optimal performance. Methane yields are maximised, thus increasing energy yields.
BC. concept for optimal utilisation of renewable raw materials in the digester
The BC. micronutrient mixtures compensate for deficiencies as well as unfavourable conditions and availability of micronutrients in the biogas digester. This is how BC. micronutrient mixtures work in the digester:
- Stabilisation of the degradation processes
- Activation of the methanogenic organisms in the digester
- Synchronisation of the individual stages of biogas production
- Long-term increase in digester performance
- Maximisation of methane yields
- Increase in return on investment